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Microsoft BizSpark Stories – Mitigate risk and capitalize on profitable new opportunities with SiteZeus

Located in Tampa, Florida, SiteZeus® is a startup company developing a cloud-based location intelligence platform that is intended to help businesses locate and capitalize on profitable opportunities. The company’s flagship service, SiteZeus Synergy, is a big-data GIS platform that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to help businesses visualize market potential and analyze the specific features driving their local, regional, and national sales. In other words, Synergy will help you predict store revenues for your existing business locations, as well as analyze which locations will be the most profitable to open new stores, ultimately helping brands mitigate risks and increase profitability.

New Features

SiteZeus reinvents data visualization

SiteZeus is excited to introduce the Synergy Grid, among other new features this month, including new Heat Maps, Lasso locations and INRIX Traffic Volumes.

General Retailers

The democratization of location intelligence unleashed

Big data is growing fast and integrating it with Business Intelligence (BI) systems is a vital step that organizations are undertaking to secure predictable forms of success and ultimately gain higher Return on Investment (ROI). Presently, enterprises across every industry are leveraging multifarious forms of BI tools that facilitate users to consolidate and report basic information.


National UC Realty fine-tunes their site selection-process for urgent care centers by partnering with SiteZeus

National UC Realty (NUCR) is known for having a world class Urgent Care site selection process. They have completed over 350 Urgent Care transactions across 44+ states. With a team of experienced analysts, marketers, and brokers, NUCR understands the importance having the newest and most innovative technology in their arsenal.